Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Following Through... Part Two

Therefore, we resolve to begin exploring 
the possibility of establishing 
a Clothes Closet at Providence Presbyterian Church.

At the very first meeting of A Gathering@The Well, as we began to study Jesus' teachings in the Beatitudes and to write our own confession, we wrote the statement above.
Since that time, we've discussed the challenges and the possibilities, and we submitted a ministry proposal.  Here is what we proposed:
Women Helping Women:
A Semi-Annual Event offering a Clothing Closet, Health Screening, Refreshments,
and the Love of Christ to women in need in our community

     A Gathering@The Well, facilitated by Donna Rae Barrow, and the Providence Presbyterian Women will plan and execute this ministry.  We will collect donations of clothing, sort them, make sure all are clean and in good repair, distribute unsuitable items to other organizations, advertise the event, prepare for the event, staff the event, clean up following the event, and distribute remaining items to other organizations. 

     Women Helping Women will be offered as an open house event at Providence.  We will offer gently used clothing, shoes, bags, and accessories to women to encourage them in their time of need and to enhance their appearance for the workplace, for meetings, or even for attending a worship service.  During our time together, we would also like to offer blood pressure checks, information on breast self-exam, refreshments, and warm tours and information about our Providence family.

     The Presbyterian Women would like to present the first Women Helping Women event in late March or early April, working around April 8, Easter Sunday.  We would like to announce this event at our January  Mid-Winter event and collect donated clothing items from February 1 - March 11.  If successful, we would like to offer a similar event in the autumn of 2012. 

     To be certain, Women Helping Women will help women in need in our community.  But this ministry will also help the women of Providence as we seek to answer God’s call by serving him and his children, as we learn and grow through his word, and as we reach out with open hands to share with those around us the love and blessings he has given us.  

This ministry has received approval and we are moving forward in 2012.  
PLEASE pray for this ministry, all who are called to serve, and all who will benefit from it.
PLEASE begin gathering very gently used women's clothing and accessories to be donated to this ministry.  More information will be coming out concerning drop off of these items.
PLEASE prayerfully consider serving... we need women to collect/sort/prepare clothing donations; we need women to work with community agencies to get the word out to women in need; we need women to set up and clean up on Open House day; we need women to be greeters and helpers during the Open House; we need women to help at the health screening and information tables; and we need women to make and serve refreshments at the Open House. 
We are so thankful for this opportunity to serve the Lord.  Join us, won't you?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Advent Beatitude

How are you marking the days of Advent?  Are you using an Advent devotional for your quiet time?  Are you lighting the candles of your Advent wreath?  Are you learning the genealogy and promise of Christ with a Jesse Tree?

For most of us, Advent is a time of joyous anticipation, a time of looking forward with hope to the celebration of the Christ Child's arrival.  It's a special time of warmth and happiness and treasured traditions.

Recently, I came across THIS POST by Lara Blackwood Pickrel on the Thoughtful Christian blog, revealing a new beatitude, one focusing on those for whom the hope of Advent is almost too difficult to grasp.  Here's an excerpt...

"When we strip away the twinkling lights, commercial gloss and catchy songs - when we peel off the layers of spray snow and greeting card gusto, what remains? We are left with a season that belongs to those who can hardly bear to hope.

Are you chronically or terminally ill? - Advent belongs to you.
Are you mourning the death of a loved one or a lost job? - Advent is your season.
Are you struggling with infertility? Grieving a miscarriage? - This is your time.
Have you been pushed aside, held back or stomped down? - There is room for you here.

And what of the rest of us? It’s pretty simple, really: If you are already joyful, keep being joyful. If your life is already filled with hope, trust in that hope. If your soul overflows with praise, raise your hands to the heavens and sing carols to God. But at the same time, make a little room for those who aren’t joyful, hopeful, praiseful. Give them space for their grief without guilt or shame.

This Advent, as we watch and prepare for the arrival of the Christ child, let us consider the addition of a sort of supplemental Beatitude:

Blessed are they who must journey towards hope, 
for this is their season."

Remember these dear ones during this time.  Mark these days of hope and expectation with open hearts.  Extend grace and gentleness. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy are the Meek

I've been thinking on our study of the humbled, the meek.  And I've been following through on our confession, happily honoring small businesses and local producers and artisans in developing countries as I'm choosing gifts for Christmas.  A great discovery was the Friends School Book and Craft Fair this past weekend.  I purchased a beautiful book, a couple of gifts, and a lovely hand-felted blossom to pin on my winter sweaters!  What about you?  Share some of your wonderful discoveries!

Below is an excerpt of a sermon I saw online recently that makes clear this whole idea of 'meekness'.  It was titled, "Blessed Is As Blessed Does" and was presented at Hodges Presbyterian Church on November 6 by Rev. Joel L. Kelly.  Read and enjoy!

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” In our culture today, we are taught “You have to stand up for yourself. Don‟t let anyone push you around. You have rights; demand them.” The meek are the people who renounce their own rights for the sake of Jesus Christ. They leave all justice to God.

Meekness is synonymous in Greek with gentleness. It doesn‟t mean someone who is a doormat, being walked all over by everyone who comes along. It goes hand in hand with humility. Humility seems to have a negative reputation today, but I believe it is commonly misunderstood. Biblical humility means an understanding of just where we personally fit in God‟s kingdom. The truly humble person neither advances himself beyond the place God has called him to be nor shrinks from the task that God has assigned. The truly humble person is where God wants him to be. When we are firmly in the center of God‟s will, and when we realize that God wants the absolute best for us, then we will discover that we have truly inherited the earth. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”