Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Advent Beatitude

How are you marking the days of Advent?  Are you using an Advent devotional for your quiet time?  Are you lighting the candles of your Advent wreath?  Are you learning the genealogy and promise of Christ with a Jesse Tree?

For most of us, Advent is a time of joyous anticipation, a time of looking forward with hope to the celebration of the Christ Child's arrival.  It's a special time of warmth and happiness and treasured traditions.

Recently, I came across THIS POST by Lara Blackwood Pickrel on the Thoughtful Christian blog, revealing a new beatitude, one focusing on those for whom the hope of Advent is almost too difficult to grasp.  Here's an excerpt...

"When we strip away the twinkling lights, commercial gloss and catchy songs - when we peel off the layers of spray snow and greeting card gusto, what remains? We are left with a season that belongs to those who can hardly bear to hope.

Are you chronically or terminally ill? - Advent belongs to you.
Are you mourning the death of a loved one or a lost job? - Advent is your season.
Are you struggling with infertility? Grieving a miscarriage? - This is your time.
Have you been pushed aside, held back or stomped down? - There is room for you here.

And what of the rest of us? It’s pretty simple, really: If you are already joyful, keep being joyful. If your life is already filled with hope, trust in that hope. If your soul overflows with praise, raise your hands to the heavens and sing carols to God. But at the same time, make a little room for those who aren’t joyful, hopeful, praiseful. Give them space for their grief without guilt or shame.

This Advent, as we watch and prepare for the arrival of the Christ child, let us consider the addition of a sort of supplemental Beatitude:

Blessed are they who must journey towards hope, 
for this is their season."

Remember these dear ones during this time.  Mark these days of hope and expectation with open hearts.  Extend grace and gentleness. 

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